Changing Your Proxies: Ubot Studio Tutorials

Here’s a handy tutorial on just how to manage your proxies:

1. Scrape a set of proxies and have them readily available in an accessible file – you’ll need to load this file into a list in your Ubot 5 program. To do this, select the Add to List command under Variable Commands. Now name your list.
2. Under Variable Constants, drag the $list from file constant into the empty content field.
3. Under the Action Commands, select the Change Proxy command.
4. When the window pops up, return to the Variable Constants and locate the $Next List Item constant and drag this into the Proxy field.
5. Click OK.
6. Return to the Variable Commands. Select the Set List Position command and enter “0” under Position – then choose the list you created for the proxies.
7. Immediately before your account creation loop, place the Set Position command – now you will place everything (EXCEPT the following commands: Set List Position, Add to List, Clear List, and Clear Cookies) in a Loop Command, which you will see under Flow Commands in your toolbox.
8. Instead of entering the number of instances you will your loop to run, select the $list total constant under Variable Constants and a window will appear requesting you to specify a list – choose the one you created for your proxy list.
9. Et voila! Now, your loop will run a number of times equal to the number of items in your proxy list – and each time it loops, your IP address will change.
10. Ensure that the process is running smoothly by placing a Navigate Command inside the loop to a web site that will examine your IP – this way, you can easily see which proxies are working, and which aren’t.